Kim Gullion Stewart

Métis Artist


chief, cook and bottle washer

workKim StewartComment

my faithful commentor and audience of one was wondering what my new job is, so I though I would post it, just in case there is someone else out there listening. I am the art gallery coordinator for the First Nations Art Gallery at the Prince George Native Friendship Centre. The gallery is going through some changes, and I am the catalyst, the labourer, and the staff. I have two Part-time staff members who are there to fill in for me, but basically I co-ordinate everything that happens in the gallery. It is a fairly large (and beautiful) space and I am excited to have the opportunity to do this. I expect I will learn a lot.

back in the grind

workKim StewartComment

You haven't heard from me in a while because I have accepted a full time job. I have 90 days to prove myself. This is the end of week one and all I have proven is that I am not used to being amongst so many people and so much noise everyday. Working at home has been like working in isolation. It has been good in many ways, but I had no idea how 'bushed' I'd become. People are coming to me at work looking for quick decisions and I am still shocked that someone is even speaking to me. "What? Oh, you mean me? You want ME to decide?" Over the last 3 years the dogs really haven't said too much. The odd woof. The decisions were quite simple, dog food or treat?