Kim Gullion Stewart

Métis Artist

floral beadwork

Guess who wants their name (and their reputation) back?

Recent Artwork, my art, metis artKim StewartComment

As part of my ongoing investigation of pop culture influences on the ‘halfbreed’ trope that I grew up with, I’ve been spending time with western novels from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. I’m applying counter mapping principles to support or challenge the narrative of the ‘halfbreed’ hero in the illustration. These beaded and stitched paths are my commentary. Counter mapping has been used to indicate traditional territory and to ‘counter’ political boundaries. In this case I want to challenge the boundaries that crop up when stereotypes are perpetuated through illustrations like these. This piece is an enlarged back cover of Comanch an old western novel printed on rag paper beaded with number 10 beads and sewn to a linen backing. It is offered for sale on my website where you can find more details and similar works.