Kim Gullion Stewart

Métis Artist


attendance is essential

teachingKim StewartComment

if you are going to succeed. I repeated that phrase several times yesterday to the fresh and enthusiastic faces in my New Media Illustration class. At first it seemed like any other piece of advice offered by a knowing individual...something to quickly blow off, however, as I think about it this morning, this phrase may offer something more tangible. How many times have you gone through your day performing a series of automated responses? "Today is the same as yesterday and it will be the same for tomorrow." you might think. We are not really present in some (or all) of our daily tasks, but attendance is essential! We need to be present, in the moment while we go through our day in order to succeed. And I think this applies to everything we do whether it is bagging groceries or running the corporation. All have a dream, but none will ever succeed unless they have habitually applied discipline to whatever task they are currently engaged in! Making it a daily habit builds confidence and the ability to follow through.
Rick Bartow,
an established, contemporary First Nations Artist says that it is not a matter of talent and inspiration that has given him success, but rather logging the hours in the studio. He goes every day and applies himself, whether he feels inspired to do it, or not. Marshall Arisman, Illustrator says, "Artists will never be satisfied, and anyone who tries to satisfy them is a fool." If you can substitute your name in the above statement, then all the more important is attendance for you. Know one else is responsible for your happiness and success...only you.


teachingKim StewartComment

yes, it is the usual kaos before classes start at the College, or perhaps a bit more than usual. The New Media program has been revamped and is starting again this Sept. with new equipment and curriculum. I am teaching the Illustration course, plus I'll be team teaching a Fine Arts class "How to make a living as an Artist." I am trying to keep my own stress level down to where I can manage it, but honestly, I think the instructors get more excited than the students at the beginning of a semester. Being around several of them the last couple of days has definitely got me worked up. Classes start next week for all. My kids had a great summer and are not sure they want to back yet. Maybe they are not looking forward to waking up at 6am every morning to catch the bus. I'm sure not.


teachingKim StewartComment

It always feels good to complete things, and I feel good having completed another Digital Arts and Media class at College of New Caledonia. I posted my students marks yesterday. I am looking forward to teaching this class next year as they have promised me new software, and a different lab (PC, rather than Mac, but I will survive.)

use whatever you have...

teachingKim StewartComment

Teaching the first two classes of digital art and media, with obsolete machines (older Mac G4's), and software that is 3-4 versions old has definitely not been easy. It has been next to impossible to find reference books, enough for 20 students to buy, and online help just doesn't cut it. Since the college will not be upgrading the software or equipment anytime soon, I have really had to think about this class and what of relevance I can teach the students. Approaching this as though it were a drawing or painting class has been the answer. It cannot be a software class, therefore it will be an art class who will learn to make art with whatever software they have. Hasn't that been a tradition for students all along? When I was an art student, I could never afford stretched canvas to paint on and ended up painting on cardboard out of my mother's panty-hose, masonite, or whatever scraps of wood I could find at the local lumber yard. Why should life for a digital art student be any different?

One Giant Leap

teachingKim StewartComment

On January 10th I will start a new job. I'm having the usual new job jitters, mixed with excitement as I have taken a step in a new direction. For more than 14 years I earned my keep as a Graphic Designer. Now I will teach in the Fine Art program at the local college. This represents a huge step for me as I have always wanted to teach art. Sometimes the thing we want most is that which we avoid. I am happy to say that I am no longer procrastinating. Well, for those of you who know me, I'm no longer procrastinating about teaching...